Artist Guild of Columbia County
Meeting Minutes
Date: March 16, 2024
Time: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Evans Library - Downstairs Meeting Room
Members in Attendance: 18
Meeting Minutes:
Treasurer's Report: Accounts in good shape, Email from a donor who wants to donate money to the Guild, will be deposited within the next two months.
Education Report:
- Classes have been moved from the cafe to the downstairs study rooms while the cafe undergoes construction.
- May -Catherine will be having a digital class
- Barbara has moved her classes to HobbyTown USA
- Upcoming classes include Watercolor, Acrylic, Abstracts, and Weaving.
Old Business:
- Still need ideas for 2024 on celebrating the GUILD’S 20th anniversary. Ideas: host our own festival to highlight the guild’s artists, have a booth at the Evans Market…..Any ideas get in touch with Angelika.
- Looking for a more permanent home location, classes, gallery, & studio. Angelika is still looking, and needs some ideas from members.
- HobbyTown USA- partnering with our guild for class space. Need a list of supplies the guild would like them to carry.
- Update guild bylaws- committee report- updated Article V Section III , Article XIII Duties of Officers , and a signature of Officers page. Voted on by members present and all agreed.
- Nomination committee, Discuss officer and board positions, committees and elections- Positions needed are Treasure, Education and social media. Tabled committee not present this meeting. Herman will stay as Treasure. Need Education and Social Media positions. Contact Angelika
- Phinizy Swamp update, Earth Day April 27th from 8-3. Will have 5-6 tables, need to demonstrate and have your work to sell. Can do 2 hour shifts. We will be at the pavilion. Let Angelika know if you will attend and take a shift.
Next Show:
- Show scheduled at the Arts & Heritage Center- August 2024
- Dates to bring art is Aug 5th from 8-4:30. Angelika will be there all day to take in the art. Need volunteers to help.
- Members may submit up to 5 pieces
- Reception is August 15th from 5-8pm
New Business:
- Need a food chairperson for the Arts & Heritage Show. Sandy is going to check with Karen and Lauren to see if they may want to help as chairperson.
- Discussion about Marsha Savage Plein Air workshop. We need to find out the fee for Marsha to come for the weekend. May or June every weekend is the Spiderlily viewing in Plum Branch SC. We may try to get her for that, but we have to see what the cost will be.
- Show and Tell by members: Didi showed her mixed media gouache paintings of a bird a day, Catherine showed her digital pictures printed on canvas, Angelika showed a mixed media sculpture of a clay bird and butterflies on wood and showed a picture created on a wet wipe stained with colors and details drawn in with pens and Susan shared an expanding paint brush tubes she found at Dollar Tree.
- Herman would like to offer a door prize drawing at the meetings as an incentive for more meeting attendance.
- Door prize announced- winner Mary Sommers won the wire wrapped pendant with chain made by Herman.
Next Meeting:
- The next meeting is scheduled for April 6th at the Evans Library at 10:30am
Meeting adjourned at 12 noon